Good Friday: This Is Love
This is love
Hanging on a tree
For all the world to see
Holy sacrifice
This is love
Dying in my place
Bearing my disgrace
Giving me new life
This is love, perfect love
Like I have never known
Father God, in your righteousness
To think You would claim me as Your own
This is love
This is love
Reaching for me first
When I was at my worst
On a lonely road
This is love
My sin as black as night
Covered in a robe of white
That your grace bestowed
This is love, perfect love
Like I have never known
Father God, in your righteousness
To think You would claim me as Your own
This is love
This is love
Hanging on a tree
For all the world to see
Holy sacrifice
This is love
Dying in my place
Bearing my disgrace
Giving me new life
This is love, perfect love
Like I have never known
Father God, in your righteousness
To think You would claim me as Your own
This is love
This is love
Reaching for me first
When I was at my worst
On a lonely road
This is love
My sin as black as night
Covered in a robe of white
That your grace bestowed
This is love, perfect love
Like I have never known
Father God, in your righteousness
To think You would claim me as Your own
This is love
This is love
by Todd Vaters